Thursday, July 3, 2008

Coolest Rope Swing Ever !!!

Aaron had been talking about making a rope swing for the boys when we first started exploring the property. He even brought me out to the spot one day and tried to describe to me his "vision" but I wasn't really seeing it. Well, a few weeks ago he found a good price for some rope on craigslist and went that day to pick it up in Tacoma. When he got home the boys were all set to help Dad.......

A little later I went outside to steady the extension ladder as he cut branches off the tree and hung the rope. After that though, I didn't see anything until he called me outside that evening to see the final result.

In one day this guy cut branches with his chainsaw 20 feet up in the air, hung a rope, made a swing, built a platform and changed my boys lives forever! When he finally called me out to come and see I had to admit that I was totally impressed! I kept thinking what a cool guy he is to make and build such cool things for our kids. Just one of the reasons I love him so much. So here's some pictures of the coolest rope swing ever! (at least that I've ever seen) (:

The take off ......

Jacob and Joseph are the only ones who are daring enough to stand on the platform. Ben stands down further on the dirt slope.

The release.......

This picture is a little blurry but the expression on Josephs face is priceless!
(Definitely worth clicking on)

The flight path......

The property naturally slopes down here to a little gully with a stream at the bottom. A perfect slope for a rope swing. As you can see Joseph is "waving" at us.......we had to set some rules and one of them was both hands on the rope AT ALL TIMES or you're done for the rest of the day.

The boys are pretty strong and can hold their body weight just by hanging on with their arms. I, however, was not as confident in my arm muscles. I could just see myself falling off the kid-size seat and dangling in the air like Tar-Zan. Would I be able to hold up so much weight or would I drop like a bowling ball at the highest point and come crashing down into the bushes? I was actually a bit terrified to go off of the platform..... and it took me a while to get up the nerve ( all with my boys standing behind me rooting me on) but when I finally did I have to admit that it was quite a rush and SO MUCH FUN!!! I screamed like a crazy lady the whole way down. Jacob won't let me forget it either. Every time since then that I take a ride he tells me, "now don't scream mom, okay?"

Next time any of you come over for a visit you have to try it out! It's already provided hours of entertainment for the boys and their friends. A worthwhile investment of time......
thanks Aaron. (:


Tiffany Jones said...

Very cool. I hope the next set of injury pictures from your boys isn't from this fun new toy. :)

Jessica said...

WOWIE! Can I come play;-P?!

Sherri said...

Wow that is an amazing swing and so fun that the whole family is enjoying it :). Can't wait till we can come and have a swing! Really fun and I LOVE the pictures

Randi said...

Super fun!!! Way to go Aaron!

Mandee said...

I wish I had a husband who liked to build things!