Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sassy Girl

I was picking out a card at the store today when I got an important phone call. I was only on the phone for about 5 minutes but the whole time Lauren was competing for my attention and being extremely overbearing. When I got off the phone I was NOT happy with her behavior and proceeded to give her a mini lecture about her "not being the center of the universe."

Her response to this was to tell me in her very sassy tone, "Well,..... I don't like you being my Mommy." I wish I could say that I handled this like a mature parent but the immature side of me won that battle and I found myself blurting aloud:
"Well, I don't like you being my little girl."

I was worried that I may have taken it too far and hurt her feelings, but her next response assured me she would be just fine.

"Well you're the one who had me so you 'get what you get and you don't throw a fit'!"

I was speechless.


Anonymous said...

One time I was talking with my girls about how surprised I was that I had ended up with all daughters and how I had never imagined it would be that way. Then one day I started thinking about how much I love my girl friends and enjoy spending time with them, and I told my girls that I wondered if we had all been friends in the pre-existence and that we were so close that we wanted to be together forever. Then one of my older girls said, "You mean you think you chose us to be your daughters?" And I said "Maybe, or maybe you chose me to be your Mom." At that point my third daughter mumbled--not quite under her breath--"I didn't."

Courtney said...

Andria, that story is so funny! I can't believe she came up with that on the fly. Too funny!

And Pam, if you see this, your story cracked me up too!

Tiffany said...

So funny, we use that saying at our house too.

dotti white said...

Her comment leaves me speechless, too! Thanks for sharing!