Thursday, February 28, 2008


L ast night we got two pygmy goats (a mother and a daughter). They're about 2-3 years old and are so cute! I wanted to get sheep for the property but apparently goats are much better brush and blackberry bush eaters, (which is what we need). Anyway, the kids love them, especially Lauren.

The other day when I was outside cleaning out the shed to get ready for the goats, the boys were helping and I kept thinking about what hard working boys they are and how grateful I am that now we have a place where there'll always be plenty of projects and animals around to keep them busy and teach them how to work. I'm reading the Little House on the Prarie series to the boys at night and right now we're on the second book "
Farm Boy ." I love reading it because it has such great stories and the boys get to see what life was like for a boy their age a couple hundred years ago. I think it helps them realize that the chores they're asked to do around here are nothing to complain about. I told them this morning at breakfast that now that we have goats they are official "farm boys."

Eventually, we'd like to get some chickens (I love fresh eggs) and maybe when we get the property fenced some miniature ponies. I found an ad on craigslist for hobbit horses and they're for such an incredible price it's been hard to resist. I think it's probably best to pace ourselves with the animals though. It's just so much fun to be able to do these things now.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Andria, so fun they are adorable!