Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm so sad about this!

Instead of re-telling the story again I'm just going to cut and paste the official statement I gave to the police and the humane society: This happened this Saturday (wouldn't you know while Aaron was gone). I'm still so upset about it.

"At approximately 10:20 this morning I was upstairs in our house when I heard the sound of our 2 goats bleating hysterically. I ran to our bedroom window, where I had a view of where they were, and saw 2 of the neighbor dogs attacking the goats. I opened the window and started yelling at them hoping that they would stop attacking and run off. I continued to yell and scream but they were not even fazed. I then ran downstairs and grabbed my rifle. I ran out to our front deck where I could still see the dogs attacking and continued to yell and scream at them to stop while I frantically loaded the gun. I then shot the rifle into the air and they instantly stopped and began running down the hill. I then ran out to where the goats were and found one of the goats lying in the grass stiff and motionless. At first I thought she was dead then I realized she was still breathing. So I looked at her wounds and found two severe gashes in her neck, deep enough that tendons were showing and one of her ears had been completely eaten off. She also had another gash in her back rear. The other goat (which is the daughter of the one that was attacked) had a small flesh wound on one of her ears. About that time I called my husband who was on his way home to let him know what had happened. A few minutes later 3 police officers showed up responding to a 911 call from the sound of the gunshot and my frantic screaming."

An update on Babydoll (the goat that was attacked):

$1300 later she is stable but drugged up on meds that the vet gave us. I think she's going to pull through but she looks terrible. I feel so sad when I look at her and see (now that her hair is shaved around her wounds, all of the stitches and teeth marks and gouges all over her neck. Where her ear was looks so terribly painful it makes me want to cry. We brought her home from the vet today (she had to stay overnight after her surgery) and "Indy" (her daughter) was so happy to see her again. They are very attached, I felt so bad for her while her Mama was gone.

The neighbor dogs were taken away and will be put down. Our neighbor still has a couple of dogs that weren't involved in the attack though, so now I am so worried about them being outside they have been inside the shed or our basement since the attack.

Hopefully our neighbor will pay for the vet bill, he said he would but we will see.

Needless to say Aaron and I were both fasting today that Babydoll would be okay and that our neighbor will keep his word.


Mandee said...

I am impressed you own and know how to operate a rifle! I hope your goat will be okay. And make sure that neighbor pays for the bills or you could seriously take him to court! What a disturbing thing to see.

Jessica said...

The exact same thing happened to my aunt and uncle's two goats. Rodeo lost an ear in the fight and Flower just became mean. Dogs and goats DO NOT mix. I hope it doesn't happen again, and that Babydoll pulls through.

Tiffany Jones said...

That is quite a story Andria. I was impressed with your rifle skills as well.

These Small Hours said...

Thanks guys, Babydoll is doing better I feel confident in saying she's going to be fine. Our neighbor did pay for the vet bills (huge relief) but now he is trying to NOT get rid of his the drama continues.

Sherri said...

Wow wee you are a force to be recken with! Good for you and I am glad to hear the police did something about the dogs. I was at the other end of this. A neighbor said that our dog chased the chickens they had. Instead of shooting in the air they shot my dog. We didnot know until he stop eaticg etc. We took him to the vet and she had a hole that went straight through him. The police did nothing and although our dog did not do any damange we did not have any proof that he did or did not do what they said. it was a pricey vet bill.
Andria I love that you shot in the air! Dogs should not be loose and accidents happen. I hope your neighbor keeps his word. I hope your sweet goats recover quickly