Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas. The kids all looked so cute in their matching "candy cane" pj's. Lauren looked like Cindy Lou from the "Grinch who Stole Christmas" with her little pig tales. As we were getting the kids dressed in their jammies I realized that this will probably be the last year they'll all be able to match....Jacob is getting so big, they don't usually make matching pajamas in such a broad range of sizes. Anyway, the kids did a nativity while Aaron read the Christmas story from Luke. Joseph was Joseph, Lauren was Mary and Ben was a shepherd and Jacob was a wiseman. It was pretty cute but "Mary" kept undressing herself and dropping the baby Jesus. Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you have a happy New Years

1 comment:

Mandee said...

So darn cute! Where did you find their Jammies? I am happy you guys had such a great Christmas holiday. I am going to try next year to have the holiday less focused on the presents and more about the Savior. Do you have any ideas on how to do that and still enjoy the spirit of Santa Claus?