Friday, May 30, 2008

Huggy Huggy Choo Choo

This afternoon Lauren was holding onto Jacob's waist when he got home from school and following him around the house. Pretty soon the other kids joined her and before long all four of them made a train and were doing laps around the house saying "Huggy, Huggy, Choo Choo.....Huggy, Huggy, Choo Choo...." I barely got this picture before they stopped. Moments like these make me glad that I had them so close together...... They are just so sweet .


Sherri said...

A very good moment!

Heather said...

Too Cute! Andria, I have thought the same thing innumerable times..."I am so glad I had these kids this close together!"

That thought has FAR outweighed the times I wished they were farther apart.

We are lucky to have this many, and to appreciate it!

Tiffany Jones said...

I love this picture. So sweet!